How to Auto Interlink Blog Content to Decrease Bounce Rate

From my 3 years of experience in the blogging and the SEO field, I have observed that interlinking blog content would increase page views as well as decrease the bounce rate of visitors on our blog. When you interlink your blog content with another blog post, it would help search engines to crawl your interlinked page for better ranking.

Also, it would help your visitors to find and read relevant articles. If you are going to hire any Top SEO Link Building Company, they would also recommend you to increase interlinked content on your blog for White Hat SEO.

WordPress plugin directory has lots of free SEO plugins that can improve your blog’s SEO as well as performance on SERP. You can also read the recommendation of interlinking content from the blog. SEO Smart Link Plugin for WordPress effectively links keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with corresponding posts, pages, categories, and tags on your blog. 

You may see some top-ranked sites on a search engine, that is because of internal linking even if they don’t have outbound links. Linking relevant pages from your blog post passes internal link juice to another page and this way authority flows to the entire webpage easily.

SEO Smart Link WP Plugin - Interlink Content for Better SEO

It also allows you to set up your own keywords and set of matching URLs for better interlinking your posts. You can also set SEO Smart links allows you to set nofollow attributes and open links in a new window. SEO Smart Link WordPress Plugin has a simple configuration, that can boost your blog’s SEO by automatically interlinking your blog posts with each other.

You just have to select options whichever you want to interlink. If you want to interlink the only post, you should check the posts option, allow a self link is not recommended, because it would interlink your existing post’s URL in the post also. If you want to interlink pages or comments, you can. I would recommend using pages to be interlinked if you want. but not recommending interlinking comments within the posts. It would slow down your blog’s performance. About excluding links to be interlinked, you should select the option that says prevent linking in heading tags, that would make your blog look like natural linking.

SEO Smart Links provides automatic SEO benefits

You can also target SEO Smart links should consider. The match will be based on post/page title or category/tag name, case insensitive. The recommended option is to set posts and pages only. For better SEO, you should check only interlink posts.

From the setting option, you can reduce database load you can choose to have SEO SMART links work only on single posts and pages (for example not on the main page or archives). SEO smart links would also embed your links in all posts on your RSS feed if you set that option. For better matching, you can select case-sensitive matching, which would be better for exact linking to other content.

Ignore Posts, pages, keywords

You can set slugs or post IDs to be ignored from posts, pages, or keywords. It would always ignore and not interlink that mentioned keyword, slugs, page ID, keyword, or phrase on your posts.

Custom Keywords :

This is the place where you can add custom keywords to be interlinked. It would automatically interlink them. You can have these keywords link to any URL, not only your site. If you want to make only interlinked content on your blog, and not want to link to an external site, you should ignore this. External Links SEO You can set a limit maximum number of different links SEO Smart Links will generate per post. If you want unlimited interlinked posts, you can set it to 0 for no limit. It would maintain the Exit Rate vs Bounce Rate of your blog.

External Link SEO

This is the most important thing for external and paid links or affiliate link SEO. You can add affiliate links or paid links to your blog but if you make it nofollow, your blog will not get penalized by search engine algorithm changes.

SEO Smart Links WordPress plugin would also help you to optimize external links available on your blog. You can check both the box, add no follow attributes, and open new windows, that would add rel=”nofollow” and external links to paid links or external links other than your site.

SEO Smart Links WordPress Plugin’s Features :

  • Automatically interlink your blog content to make a Low Bounce Rate and increase page views on your blog.
  • Both internal links and external link optimization for Search Engine are included in this single plugin.
  • For internal links, you can interlink posts, pages, and keywords.
  • No need for any Interlink Software or you would not have to interlink your content of blog manually.
  • For external links, you can add rel=nofollow and rel=external for better SEO Linking.
  • Better interlinked content would provide better navigation to other pages and is important for SEO.

You can check this cool SEO plugin for your WordPress blog @

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