Best Floating Social Media Sharing Buttons for WordPress – Digg Digg

Digg-Digg WordPress PluginFrequently after setting up WordPress blog, we are looking for traffic. If you don’t know the power of social media sharing you are guessing it wrong. Social Media brings highest traffic to blog, specially funny images like websites gets highest traffic from social networking sites. You would also get interest based users and readers from sharing. Floating social media sharing buttons are one of the best way to implement social share buttons on blog. Placement for Social Sharing Buttons is important to bring more social share. Sometimes placing Sharing Social Media buttons below titles and at the end of articles bring more sharing because after reading article, if readers has liked it, he would probably share it on his social accounts.

Social media sharing buttons stay and float at the side of your blog post and your blog readers can easily share your content on their social media accounts using those sharing buttons. If your content is easy to read and sharable, you should get high amount of traffic from social networking accounts on your blog. Remember, more sharing , more traffic.

There are following options and location you can set your social media sharing to drive maximum traffic from social networking sites. Floating Bar, Normal Bar with Large Buttons at Top, Normal Bar with Large Buttons at Bottom, Normal Bar with Small Buttons at Top.  Placing Social Media Share Buttons below title with small icons bring highest sharing. Also ads below title brings high conversation and CTR than other location of your theme.

Using Digg Digg sharing buttons on your blog, you would be able to show all popular social sharing buttons with count. E.g. you can even configure which buttons to show, such as Twitter, Buffer, Facebook Share, Facebook Like, Digg, LinkedIn, Google +1, Reddit, dZone, TweetMeme, Topsy, Yahoo Buzz, StumbleUpon,, Sphinn, Designbump, WebBlend, BlogEngage, Serpd, Pinterest, Pocket and Tumblr and much more.

Easy and customizable Social Share Buttons for WordPress allow you to easy configuration and setup on your blog without much effort. This WordPress Sharing Buttons are Lazy loading to increase website performance.It would not take much time to load and will not affect your loading speed of your WordPress Website.

Digg Digg Features

  • Display Social Sharing Buttons WordPress from all popular social networking website.
  • Fully customizable and easy to use.
  • Lazy loading social sharing buttons, that will not affect loading speed of your blog.
  • Best WordPress Share Buttons used by so many bloggers & Best WordPress Social Sharing Plugin.

Check out the Floating share bar buttions by Buffer that is available for FREE from WordPress Plugins directory.

WordPress Social Media Sharing Plugins

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