I am glad to announce free WordPress installation service to all my readers. It would be helpful for all bloggers who wants to start their journey with WordPress and new to WP. I would setup WordPress blog with must have SEO WordPress plugins to start with for you. I have been using WordPress since last 3 years and spend my time for how to customize WordPress blog for SEO as well as how important WordPress SEO configuration is. Well, If you are using SEO by Yoast or W3 Total cache like WordPress plugins or other SEO plugins, it’s configuration must needed. If configured properly, you would be able to keep your blog properly optimized for SEO.
There are lots of frustrated users from blogspot whose blog has been identified as spam by Google. If you are using free hosting like blogspot, such things might be happen and your all your hardwork to setup blog will be wasted within a minute. I would recommend you to go for affordable premium web hosting that would keep your online data safe. I have been using bluehost since last 3 year continuously and satisfied customer of it.
I decided to setup WordPress blog for free to my blog readers because I will get paid by hosting company where your blog would be hosted.All you have to do is signup for anyone of the following webhosts @ Bluehost / Hostgator / Dreamhost which are the best and affordable webhosting.
Information about this free WordPress installation service :

Well, If you thought to purchase webhost for your personal blog, you would be spending the amount said by your webhosting company. If you directly register your self for web-hosting page, you will also have to pay but they guys won’t setup blog for you. Just pay and setup everything from your self.
If you register using my referral link, I would get paid by hosting, you would also get discount offers. e.g If you register for Dreamhost, you would get upto 97 USD discount and have to pay only $22 USD for entire year.
If you are purchasing from Hostgator, you can use “SEOMW25OFF” without quote to get 25% discount on regular hosting rate. If you want to get 9.95 USD discount, use “SEOMEDIAWORLD” coupon code on your regular purchase.
If you use Bluehost, It’s regular price per month is $6.95 USD, but If you register through link provided here, you would get discount and your per month charges would be $4.95 only.Signup for anyone of the following webhosts @ Bluehost / Hostgator / Dreamhost & fill up the below form.
What you would get with this free service :
- Installing fresh WordPress.
- Essential Setup( including permalink, essential setup)
- SEO friendly WordPress blog setup
- Sitemap creation & submitting it to Google webmaster tool for quick indexing.
- Feedburner setup & integration with your blog.
- Setting up & configuration of essential SEO WordPress plugins & other necessary plugins.
- Google analytics Integration
The only thing would be paid that is theme setup. Ask me with your requirement for free quote for theme setup. I would do necessary.
What you have to do?
Just clear your browser cookies and then signup for anyone of the following webhosts @ Bluehost / Hostgator / Dreamhost & fill up the below form.
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You can also mail me your details on bhavesh[at]ehowportal.com , once I would get your request, I will be setting up your WordPress blog within 48-72 working hours.
You can also manually setup your wordpress using online available guide but it would consume your lots of time in learning and proper setup. I would suggest you to let me setup your WordPress instillation for SEO optimized blog environment for you.
Signup for Web-hosting @ Bluehost / Hostgator / Dreamhost & contact me for setup.