How to Install WordPress Plugin on WP Blog
If you own WordPress blog and you just recently setup WordPress blog, you don’t know how to install WordPress plugin. This tutorial would explain you how you can easily setup WordPress Plugin and install it on your WordPress blog. There are mainly three methods to install WordPress plugin on your blog. Here is the method to How to Set Up a WordPress Website and Manually Install Plugin WordPress on your blog.
1. Install WordPress plugin from WordPress Dashboard
2. Install WordPress plugin by uploading from WordPress Dashboard
3. Install WordPress plugin from FTP or file manager of your cPanel
How to Install WordPress Plugin from WordPress Dashboard
WordPress is great platform for blogging. It has inbult facility to upload or install plugins from your WordPress dashboard. It’s easy to install and manage WP plugins because there are lots of resource that explain How to Use WordPress Plugins. Easiest method to install WordPress plugin on your blog is search from WordPress plugin directory. This method is easiest method and anyone can install WP plugin on their blog. You can search WordPress plugin from WP plugin directory from your WP admin dashboard. You would find that search option from WP dashboard > Plugins > Add new option. From there search the name of the plugin or keyword to search related plugins from there. When you click on install now link, it would ask you to install it or not. Click on OK button to install that plugin. This process would automatically download WP plugin from WP plugin directory and install it on your wordpress blog. After that installation process, you would need to activate plugin from there. Once you activate plugin, you would be able to start using it.
How to Install WordPress plugin by uploading from WordPress Dashboard
This is another method if you want to install specific plugin from your WordPress dashboard. This method of uploading plugin is useful when you are installing WP plugin that are not available on WordPress plugins directory. If you have bought some plugins like SEOPressor that is not listed on WP plugin directory, this method would allow you to install external WordPress plugin on your WordPress blog. You can find that option from your WordPress admin dashboard > Add new > Upload option. You will see choose file option, select the plugin file in zip folder from your computer and click on install now button. This time it would not ask you for confirmation to install plugin. It would upload the plugin from your computer to your WP blog. Once it uploaded, it would ask you to activate. Once activated, you would be able to use that plugin from your WordPress Blog.
How to Install WordPress-Plugins using FTP/cPanel
if you are using FTP(File Transfer Protocal), you might have heard about filezilla. Which is popular FTP client from where you can directly transfer file from your computer to your server. You can also directly upload WP plugin files using file manager available on cPanel of your hosting account. You can choose upload option from your WP plugin folder from file manager. Upload your WP plugin in zip folder there and extract it on your server. Once extracted, you would be able to see your uploaded plugin live on your WordPress Plugin dashboard.
Video Tutorial on How to Add Plugins to WordPress Blog :
This screenshot and video was created using the screenshots of latest version of WordPress 3.9. Even if you are facing any problem regarding WP plugin installation,feel free to comment below.