Make Money Online From Blog- Money is Inside the Links

You might has seen that publishing guest posts on other websites are increasing your domain authority as well as your blog’s page rank. This is because that you are getting dofollow backlink from high authority website. Search engine will think that your site is high authority site, if you are getting dofollow backlinks from high authority websites. That’s the part of SEO and so many webmasters are doing the same to improve thier blog’s ranking and authority. Now coming to the business part. How you can make money online from your blog.

How to make money online from blog
Make money online
Photo credit Flickr

I recently found LinkVehicle website, which help you to make money online from your blog.It  connects advertisers and publishing seo agencies with network of top notch publishers, copywriters, and designers.It allows both publishers and advertisers to sign up. So both advertisers as well as publishers meet at one place to make more and do successful business. It is community that connects digital marketing and SEO professionals who have worked with many of the top agencies worldwide. So whenever any clients or advertisers want to publish sponsored post on any of high quality blogs listed on linkvehicle, advertisers can directly contact them and get deal fixed.

This way both advertisers and publishers can do their business. Advertisers would get their client’s website ranked on search engine and publishers/bloggers would make money form the published positive review about that advertiser’s company.

How does LinkVehicle work:

  • Create free account at Linkvehicle if you are publisher /advertisers depending on your requirement, sign up for LinkVehicle website.
  • On Dashboard, you will see menu to add your site there.

Make Money Online from Blog

  • Add your blog, click on pricing and you will see option to fill up the service you want to offer on your blog. if you want to sponsored post for your blog, offer link from your homepage like that and set your expected price there.There would be recommended price on the website that would helpful to give an idea what price you should kept for your blog to get more post offers.
  • Fill up required details on next page and add your social accounts to get more offers for your blog.
  • Now whenever any blog owner is interested for any sponsored offer, review they will contact you.

There is no limit, the number of websites you are adding there, but it should be approved to get offers.Your blog should be atleast PR1 to get approved faster. LinkVehicle  will review your blog and approve it if it fits on their criteria.They consider the amount of incoming links along with metrics from Moz and Alexa when accepting sites. So if you have good PR, domain authority and Alexa rank, it’s positive point for you.

How to get Payment from Linkvehicle:

They are paying through Paypal. Minimum payment is $10.00 and you will get paid 1st of every month.

What is Condition :

Linkvehicle’s payment condition is as stated above but they split 50:50 earning with you. Say if your blog post has got 100 USD offer, they will split 50% commission with you.So you would get 50 USD. So if you are still struggeling to make money online with your blog or your blog has been disapproved by other advertisers. You can still give a try to linkvehicle to monitize your blog.

Linkvehicle Advantages:

  • If you think to start with blogging, its good to start with.
  • Free to signup and creating account.
  • Get paid via PayPal; on every 1st of the month once your blog received offer from any advertisers.

You can create and start your earning now from LinkVehicle.

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