How To Stop Spam User Registration on WordPress

Last night I decided to start guest posting features for my blog readers. I have activated user registration on Ehowportal so that guest users can submit a guest post there. It has been around 27 hours and at that time, there are 31 new registrations. I have noticed that within every one or two hours, new registration notification mail I was receiving.

Spam user registration is one of the biggest issues if you are managing multi-author WordPress blog. You have to use better anti-spam plugins on your WordPress blog to stop spam user registration.

31 New User Registrations on Ehowportal within one Day

To my surprise, there each user is submitting a new guest post that is not relevant to blog niche as well as looks spammy posts and links to spammy sites. I have researched online for a solution for this kind of problem so that I can easily manage a multi-author blog. I found few best of WordPress plugins that can prevent & stop spam user registration easily. I have tried installing some of them and tried the best for my self. Here is the outcome of my experiment with a review of those useful WordPress Plugins to prevent spam users.

Stop Spammers

The Stop Spammers Plugin checks comments and logins using many methods to stop spammers.

Stop Spammers - WordPress Anti-Spam Plugin

This WordPress plugin would check for typical spammer bad behaviors & blocks them. It blocks access to users who anonymize their browsers. An interesting feature of this plugin is it checks how much time the user takes to fill in a comment or login form. It directly blocks users who are too fast than usual. Suppose you are copy-pasting comments from somewhere, you can do that within one second. While if you are writing a comment, it would take around 50 seconds to 1 minutes depending on your typing speed.

This plugin keeps count of a number of spammers blocked for registration, login, comments etc and show you the history of blocked spammers on your WordPress Dashboard.This plugin would keep a record of IP address, email address of spammers in a cache to avoid unnecessary pinging database than necessary.

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Spam Free WordPress

This is another best WordPress plugin to make your WordPress blog spam free.As the name suggests, it prevents your WordPress blog from Spambot. This is Free WordPress Plugins that allow you to Stop All Spam to your blog easily.

Spam Free WordPress - WordPress Plugin

This plugin would prevent your blog from various kind of spam like WordPress Comment form, Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, WordPress login form, WordPress user registration form, WooCommerce Product Review form, WooCommerce Product Enquiry Form, Simple Comments Generated Forms and much more. This plugin prevents your blog from spambots, automatic spams or manual spammers.This plugin can be also used as WordPress Comment Spam Plugin for your blog.

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WangGuard lets you to check your registered users for spam registrations and lets you identify sploggers. You can directly block specific top level domain user registration like .pl and .ru domain extension. Also, you would be able to stop spam by blocking all user account created with disposable mail id based on top level domain.

WangGuard - WordPress Plugin

This is another premium WordPress plugin to block spam registrations. You would be able to remove spam user posts and spam user registration with one click. This way you can Stop All Spam on your WordPress blog and make it spam free.Users would not be able to create spammy blogpost and you can easily Stop Spam Texts publishing on your blog.

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 Anti-Splog is next generation wordpress plugin to stop spam to your WordPress Blog. The ultimate plugin and service to stop and kill splogs in WordPress Multisite and BuddyPress, from WPMU DEV.

Anti-Splog - WordPress PluginInteresting feature of this plugin is, you would be able to rename signup page URL from wp-signup.php automatically every 24 hours. You would have to add shortcode wherever you want to show signup URL, and user would be able to create account from there directly. For human verification, it would ask random general knowledge basic questions to users to prevent spam. Make sure to backup your WordPress blog before changing any codes anywhere, to avoid any problem.

You would be able to block specific IP or registration from same IP with different account to stop spam created by users or spambots.You can retrive spam block and splog statistic from separate report from WordPress admin dashboard.

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This is another plugin out of Must Have WordPress Plugins to stop spam users to your blog. You can use this specially if you are managing multi-author WordPress blog.There would be no-entry for spam users to your blog using that plugin.

Sabre - WordPress Plugin

It simply adds captcha in the registration form to prevent spambots registration on your blog. It directly filter user mail address or IP address when it found on ban list.

If you are using this on single WordPress site, you would be able to create registration link that user can validate his registration by clicking on that link sent by mail. So if any user is using disposable email to signup with your site, it would be easily filtered. You can also able to add custom logo for your WordPress user signup page instead of default WordPress logo.

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No Disposable Email

This is another great plugin to stop spam user registration who use disposable mail address to create account with your blog.Whenever new user tries to create account with disposable mail account, they would get error. It automatically identify top level domain who provides disposable mail service.

No Disposable Email - WordPress Plugin


You can prevent Spam On WordPress Blog easily by using this plugin.However you can not say this plugin is Best WordPress Spam Blocker because you would not be able to stop spam from spambots I think. This plugin only blocks user registration from disposable mail address.

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SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam is another best plugin to reduce spam comments, registrations on your WordPress blog.

SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam - WordPress blog


If you are getting registration from spambots, this is the latest way to prevent signup spam on your WordPress blog. There would be captcha code displayed while a user is on the registration page.

When they enter the code displayed there, then only they can proceed to login. Not only that, but captcha code would also be displayed on the comment page. So you would be protected by both comment spam as well as sign up spam on your WordPress blog.

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If you think your blog is not protected, you can use sucuri to make your blog more secure. It supports not only WordPress, but you would be able to secure your CMS like drupal, joomla, Magento, phpBB and much more.

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We hope this tips on preventing WordPress user registration spam has helped you. Share your thougths in the comments section below. You can also hire some WordPress Experts online if you don’t want to spend your valuable time in resolving security issues from your website.

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