Stop WordPress User Registration Spam Using WangGuard WordPress Plugin

Recently I have wrote the best free WordPress plugins to stop WordPress user registration spam. I use different different plugins on my each blog to try out which one is the best. I have tried WangGuard WordPress Plugin on my ehowportal blog and it seems it’s great. Here is the quick review of WangGuard WordPress Plugin that would explain you all features as well as how to use WangGuard WordPress Plugin.

Stop WordPress User Registration Spam
Stop WordPress User Registration Spam

After activating WordPress user registration, I got around 31 mails within one day. All registered mail id was mostly banned by wangGuard that I came to know after installing that plugin. If you have enabled WordPress user registration on your WordPress Blog or BuddyPress, you might experience same issue.You would always need such WordPress plugin to stop WordPress Registration Spam on your Blog if you are managing a multi-author blog.

If you are managing a multi-author blog, it would be more difficult to disable user registration because by doing that, article submission and publishing would be more difficult for you. You have to manually check and publish all posts on your blog that would be quite difficult. I have tried this plugin my self on my blog and found it’s very effective against spammers and sploggers.

WangGuard WordPress Plugin Configurations

You can manage your WordPress registered users or remove them from separate managing panel on your WordPress dashboard. There would be 5 possible option that handles all your users and registrations.

WangGuard Configuration

First of all, after installing WangGuard WordPress plugin, you have to configure API key from WangGuard website.For so many bloggers, WangGuard has greatly reduced or even completely eliminate the Sploggers.

User Registration Spam Prevention - WangGuard Anti-Splog

For me, it’s awesome and working effectively on all my sites. To configure your WangGuard plugin working effectively, you have to enter WangGuard API key. If you don’t have an API key yet, You can get WangGuard key from here.

Unlike spam registration blocker plugins, WangGuard works in a different way. You can add random security question to signup page using security questions option. This will make your WordPress blog more secure against spam users and spambots registrations.

Create Random Questions at Signup on WordPress

On the security tab, you can create general questions of your choice for better signup security. You can create few questions that would be randomly displayed while signup on user registration page.

Another best thing is you can add a special link on each post to report user to admin. Other better security options are there like the same user cannot create two accounts with a different name. It would check that automatically and prevent multiple signups by the same user.

WangGuard Better Security for WordPressYou can remove Generator META Tags from generated pages of your site, this will prevent automated bots to easily identify a WordPress site by looking at this META tag.Another best setting is you can block spam user registration on your blog on any top-level domains or blocking registration from disposable mail address.

Block spam registration on Domain Level mail ids

Here you have to be careful while checking and blocking mail registrations. Do not check all boxes, it would also block genuine user registrations also. So check only necessary you think and click on save blocked domains.That was all about WangGuard plugin configuration. I would recommend you to block .pl and .ru domains from registrations because as far I have observed, most of the sploggers are coming from that mail ids.

This plugin allows you to check your existing registered users. You have to run Wizard to check all sloggers and spam users. Here is a quick preview of that spam user checking wizard.

WangGuard Spam Users Checking Wizard - WordPressIt will check and verify all your registered users from WangGuard reported users.You can directly delete those users from user tab. Also if you think the specific user is spamming your site, you can report that user as splogger directly from users menu under WangGuard option. It would be added to WangGuard’s database and will be shown as splogger on all WangGuard enabled blogs.You can check the status of all spam users and sploggers from the status tab.

WangGuard Plugin’s Features :

  • Check for spam users & sploggers from your existing users.
  • Blog user registrations from domain level or from disposable mail ids.
  • Create random question at signup page.
  • Bulk check users for spammer and sploggers directly from WangGuard Database.
  • Report any sploggers or spam user to WangGuard directly from your admin panel.

This plugin is available for free on WordPress plugins gallery.You can download it and try it your self. I have used this plugin on one of the sites and that’s working effectively for me. You should try this if your blog has lots of spam users registration on your blog on daily basis. This would really lower down such user registration and make your work easier.

You can download WangGuard WordPress Plugin @

If you are using any another WordPress plugin for similar use, feel free to share it by commenting below. You can also hire some WordPress Experts online if you don’t want to spend your valuable time in resolving security issues from your website.

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