WordPress SEO by Yoast Review – Best SEO Plugin for WordPress

All WordPress blog owner is knowing about WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin. Yoast SEO Plugin for WordPress is must having plugin for your WordPress blog. There are total 12 advanced SEO features implemented on this single WordPress plugin and you can optimize your blog for SEO using it. There is no rocket science, but all of it’s feature are enough to get your blog ranked on SERP. SEO by yoast is all time best WordPress plugin and we can also consider it as best SEO Plugin for WordPress 2014. I have been using this plugin on all of my blogs and it’s the secret of my blogs ranking. Here is detailed configuration of SEO by Yoast WordPress plugin for better SEO of your blog.

Webmaster Tools

This is dashboard of SEO by yost plugin. You can directly add your alexa verification ID, bing webmaster tools code, google webmaster tools code, pinterest code and yandex webmaster tools configuration code there. SEO By Yoast Dashboard This way you wold not have to add those verification code on your blog’s HTML template.When you add your verification code there, it would automatically implement your verification code wherever necessary.

Yoast WordPress SEO: Titles & Metas

We all know titles and meta keywords, meta description plays an important role in Search Engine Optimization. Generally blog name – and blog post titles are used by default. But when you use force rewriting titles, it would force your blog to show blogpost titles – blog name on SERP. That would be good for SEO and more CTR on SERP. [AMAZONPRODUCTS asin=”1482674246″] There is also sitewide meta setting for advanced SEO. You can noindex subpages of archives of your blog, use meta keyword tag, add noodp & noydir meta robot tag sidewide that would make better SEO for your WordPress blog. There is also option to clear head tag and unwanted links. Yoast WordPress SEO - Titles & Metas SEO Likewise there are options to add home, post types, taxonomies and others that would allow you to add meta descriptions and meta keywords to your WordPress homepage, WordPress default post & page, WordPress attachment pages. There is also option to add meta description for categories and tags that would increase your blog’s search engine visibility. You would also see advanced WordPress SEO option that would allow you to add meta tags, meta keywords and meta description for categories & tag SEO. Yoast WordPress SEO - Titles & Metas OptimizationYou can also manage your blog’s SEO by meta robots noindex and follow from home, post types and taxonomies page.Other tab would show you SEO setting for author archives and date archives of your blog.

Yoast WordPress SEO: Social

 You can do social SEO for your blog from social tab of WordPress SEO by Yoast. You can add Facebook, Twitter and Google+ social profile settings and configure your blog for Social SEO.
Yoast WordPress SEO - Social SEO for your WordPress Blog
The option allows you to add Open Graph metadata to your site’s section<head> for Facebook. You can also add Twitter card metadata for your blog. You should note that for the Twitter Cards to work, you have to check the box below and then validate your Twitter Cards through the Twitter Card Validator. Add Google+ specific post meta data on your blog. Doing Facebook, Twitter and Google+ social SEO would improve your traffic to your blog.

Yoast WordPress SEO: XML Sitemaps

 We all know XML sitemap plays a great role in all blog’s SEO and ranking. XML sitemaps allow search engine’s spider to crawl your site effectively.
Yoast WordPress SEO - XML Sitemaps SEOIf you don’t want to use default sitemap functionality, you can also use Google XML sitemap WordPress plugin. That would allow you to generate a better XML sitemap for your blog quickly.

Yoast WordPress SEO: Permalinks

 Yoast WordPress SEO - Permalinks SEO
There is an option about WordPress permalinks SEO that would suggest you for the best possible ways to optimize your WordPress Permalinks.
[AMAZONPRODUCTS asin=”1482665166″]

Yoast WordPress SEO: Internal Links

Yoast WordPress SEO - Internal Links

 Internal links setting would provide you better navigation to your WordPress blog. You can directly insert breadcrumbs on your WordPress theme anywhere you want.

Yoast WordPress SEO: RSS

 This feature is used to automatically add content to your RSS, more specifically, it’s meant to add links back to your blog and your blog posts, so dumb scrapers will automatically add these links too, helping search engines identify you as the original source of the content.
WordPress SEO by Yoast - RSS Links

Yoast WordPress SEO: Import & Export

 This is a most advanced feature that would allow you to backup your SEO settings to export it on other blogs. Or import already backed up SEO setting from another blog to your existing blog with one mouse click. You can easily migrate from other SEO plugins to SEO by Yoast quickly, because of these great options.

 Yoast WordPress SEO - Import & Export SEO Settings

There are so many options, you can import or export your SEO setting from most of the SEO for WordPress Blog plugins like WordPress SEO Plugin

Bulk Title & Description Editor in SEO By Yoast

Recently SEO By Yoast has been updated with Bulk title editor and Bulk description editor for your WordPress blog. Previously the same was not implemented on this plugin. If you wish to edit titles or description in bulk, you would have to use SEO extended WordPress plugin. But recent update has combined both plugins together.

Bulk Title & Description Editor in SEO By Yoast

This is most important because if any of your posts has low SEO score as per SEOPressor or other SEO plugins, you can quickly fix them by adding relevant titles and description in the post with low competitive keywords for better ranking.

Yoast WordPress SEO: Edit Files

 This is another best thing for your WordPress blog. You can modify or edit your .htaccess file & robots.txt file directly from these setting.
Robots txt file and htacess files setting in WordPress
If you are not seeing any robots.txt file to edit on your SEO by yoast plugin setting, you should create and upload a text file with robots.txt name on public_html from filemanager of your hosting account. You can later see , create, edit or modify your robots.txt file and .htacess file directly from there.
If you are thinking to start new blog, I would recommend you to install this plugin. This plugin is available for free on WordPress Plugins directory. You can download this plugin for free from below.
WordPress SEO by Yoast

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