WPX Affiliate Manager – Add 125×125 Ads On Sidebar

There are lots of WordPress plugins to make your blog more user friendly and advertiser friendly. We all know any blog needs to be monetized in order to get get revenue from it to reach it’s cost and maintenance cost. For that you can use Google Adsense or other advertising programs like chitika, infolinks and many more advertisers available. I know buysellads that is powerful advertising program for bloggers. When you are approved on Buysellads.com you can place advertisements banners on your blog of predetermined space.

WordPress Plugin - Add 125x125 Ads On SidebarHere I would like to review the best plugin for easy WordPress ads management. You can place 125×125 ads banner on your blog’s sidebar without configuring anything. Just install that plugin, add your image or directly upload your 125×125 ads banner from your plugin dashboard and include it’s link.

There is WordPress plugin called WPX Affiliate Manager allows you to integrate affiliate 125 x 125 images side by side into your site through a widget. You can boost your Affiliate Marketing earning by placing 125×125 ads banner on your blog.There is nothing like configuration, just install WordPress plugin on your WordPress blog and start using it.

To add WPX Affiliate manager banners on your blog, you can add it from WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets. From available widget, drag and drop WPX Affiliate Manager to your sidebar of your template. You have to setup WPX Affiliate Manager WordPress Plugin from your WordPress Dashboard > Settings > WPX Affiliate Manager.

WPX Affiliate Manager - Best WordPress Ads Managenet Plugin

Previously this WordPress plugin was having option to upload images directly from there, now you have to add image URL and destination links on the box available from WordPress Dashboard > Settings > WPX Affiliate Manager. You can place upto 6 ads banner of 125×125 ads size on your sidebar.

WPX Affiliate Manager would make WordPress Website Management and ads management quite easy.Most of the WordPress themes are now coming up with 125×125 sidebar widget included with built-in options. But if your theme do not have that widget in-built, you can use WPX Affiliate Manager WordPress plugin to add 125×125 ads banner on your WordPress blog sidebar.

WPX Affiliate Manager WordPress Plugin

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