How to Increase Referral Traffic on Blog

As a blogger, you would need traffic to survive in the competition. If you own a blog, you are posting good content on it but if you are not getting enough traffic, there is no meaning of your work.  You would need to do proper SEO to get targeted traffic to your blog. You might have observed on your blog or traffic report of few websites, that organic traffic is high but referral traffic would be low. Here are few best methods that helps you to get Free Targeted Traffic on your blog. And using this free tips, you would be able to Increase Referral Traffic on your blog.

Increase Referral Traffic to Blog


Organic traffic stands for the number of visitors coming from search engines by searching any keywords. If you have well optimized your blog for search engine, your organic visitors would be more. You can also optimize your organic traffic by keyword research tools like Google Adwards Keyword Planner , Long Tail Pro or HitTail. This tools would help you to increase your organic traffic to your blog.

Referral traffic stands for number of visitors coming from other website to your blog. This is not an easy task. It can also be considered as offline SEO techniques. This can happen when you have unique contents on your blog that can be taken as reference by others. e.g If you are writing any content, you are referring from somewhere. You can add link to source site to give credit and avoid copyright issues.

You can get referral traffic on your blog using number of techniques. Some of the most popular techniques I would like to mention here, that you can do and get your blog discovered not only by search engines but also by real humans.


This is the most common way to get quick backlinks from High PR forums. If forums is providing dofollow backlinks, it would be easier for you to build an authority site. Search engine would analyze number of incoming links to your sites and you can easily rank on search engine if your site’s link has been linked by so many related sites.

How to get Backlink from High PR Forums without Spamming

Basically I would recommend you to target on niche forums. Suppose if you are running your blog specially on marketing and SEO niche, you should search only for marketing related forums or SEO related forums. Register on such forums and search for the questions you can solve easily. Once you get the question, for which you have an answer, you should look into your blog for the same topic.

Forum Backlinks to get referral Traffic


If your blog has post related to that question and answer is inside, you don’t have to do anything. Just rewrite the article’s important line in the answer and add reference. Give link to your site. That’s it. If you see there is no related post which has answer to that question, create new post based on that question. Write unique post and then post answer there with your site’s link.

This is the easiest method to get backlink from high authority forums sites. This would not be considered as spamming because you are writing answer to that question. Credit link to your site would help visitors to find detailed information related to their information.

Blog Commenting

Blog commenting is easiest method to get backlinks from similar niche blogs. Generally I don’t search for blogs after writing posts to comment on. I search with the title of my blog on search engine. I would get number of results related to my latest post. I also need it. I look for the best on from SERP and comment on that blog with my personal view regarding that product or post.

Blog Commenting for Organic Traffic

If blog is commentluv, that would be more easier for me to get backlink for my latest post. Mostly comments with own view, experience or feedback related to post would be approved by blog owner. But if you post the same comment like “nice blog” ,”thanks for sharing” like words only, it would be identified as spam and no one would approve such comments.

Guest Posting

Guest posting is the easiest way to bring targeted traffic. We also accept Guest posting. If you own adsense account, you would be able to earn 100% adsense revenue generated from your blog on your post for lifetime.  Also get free dofollow backlink to your site in your author bio.

Most of the people would tend to write articles their self and hence it would take lot of time to write it. However If you are thinking to get backlink, you can use ContentProfessor. Which is premium article spinner that would easily spin your article quickly and you have not to write new article.

E.g. If you are writing guest post on topic ” How to Drive Targeted Referral Traffic on Blog ” and you are completely rewrite this article to be published on high authority blog. You would guest alternative line or words but it would take a lot of time to rewrite 1000+ word article. ContentProfessor would help you to rewriting article fastly and you would be able to spin your article fast.

Use Pinterest

I have observed that creating board on pinterest, allow us to publish specific category post on specific board. As per survery by shareaholic , Pinterest is driving more traffic than twitter. Don’t pin all your post in single board, instead create categorywise board on pinterst and pin articles according to specified category.

Drive Targeted Traffic from Video Sharing Sites

Well, this is the most popular way to drive referal traffic from social video sharing sites like YouTube. Create video according to your topic and publish it on YouTube or Vimeo like video sharing websites. If peoples are looking for specific video related to their search, they would land on your YouTube video page and in description, you have added your website link. They directly comes from that video to your blog. You can see my example videos published on those sites for your reference.

  1. How to Get More than 10 Search Results While Searching on Google [Vimeo Link ]
  2. How To Use -Best Tool To Capture Screenshots [Youtube Link ]

Those above sites are just example, you can search for popular video sharing websites to promote your blog posts and get referral traffic .

Related : How to Get Backlink from YouTube

Social Bookmarking

Lots of social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or other social sharing sites allowing sharing content. You can share your backlink on such websites to drive traffic. You can use popular bookmarking sites to bookmark your blogposts. This would be permanent blogpost and you would receive referal traffic from there for lifetime.

Final Words

From all of above methods, I have found guest posting and video sharing method more useful than other techniques. However all methods mentioned here are useful for permanent referral traffic. Please let us know your valuable comments regarding how to drive targeted referral traffic to your blog. If you are using other method to get Targeted Traffic to Your Website, feel free to share it by commenting.

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  1. I would like to add up few extra points

    1. Q/A websites likes quora and yahoo answers can also be used to drive massive referral traffic to your blog . I can a good amount of traffic from these website and anything can do this . But it takes times.

    2. Use facebook groups : Facebook groups has a remarkable capacity to drive huge and targeted traffic to your blog . Also , newbie bloggers can drive huge traffic from there to give a kickstart to their blogs .

    This post was good enough to read ! I liked it !

    Happy Blogging !

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